31 August 2010

Fucking Zubat!!

You know eventually I'l come around to making a list of the most ANNOYING video games villains of all time but i'd like to take this moment to point out one that has bugged me for many years...


That useless cave dwelling bastard has been tripping me up since Red and Blue!
If you don't know what i'm talking about, Zubat is a Posion/flying type Pokemon who has been around since the original generation.

What makes Zubat SO unbelievably annoying are the following 3 things:

1 It's encountered in caves and usually by the time you're half way through a cave you've run out of potions and super potions meaning that healing is impossible, this in itself wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for annoyance 2...

2. You usually encounter Zubat at a simmer level as your lead Pokemon meaning that often times when you try to 'run from battle' it wont let you....that's right, this tiny pipsqueak of a pokemon has some how managed to trap you and the fire breathing salamander you travel with...the two of you are UNABLE to escape the wrath of this winged vermin. Prehaps the most annoying thing about this fact is that after a failed attempt to run away zubat gets a free turn to attack to which leads to the 3rd and most frustrating annoyance...

3. FUCKING SUPERSONIC! See despite it's prevalence and ability to somehow trap Pokemon twice it's GOD DAMN size, the most annoying thing about Zubat is that it doesn't 'actually' hurt you. see it's so weak that it's really not a major threat in anyway, however what it DOES do is perform a CHEAP and DELIBERATELY FRUSTRATING move known as supersonic which confuses your Pokemon, meaning that for 2-5 turns your own pokemon will have a 50% chance of attacking ITSELF!
Now of course as Murphy's law will dictate "when you have a 50% chance of something going wrong then it'll go wrong 90% of the time"
So you're stuck there watching your beloved Charmander hit itself for 4 consecutive turns!

And when you finally stop attacking yourself and nail that sucka with a flamethrower you can finally move on...
So you leave the battle
You take another 4 steps forward...

And the cycle continues....
This goes out to you Zubat....you supersonic son of a bitch...

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