About Me

The name? Chad Barley.

I was once asked to describe myself in one word....Naturally I gravitated towards "Dashing", "Charming" "Charismatic" and "Drop-Dead-Sexy" but in the end I settled for "Audacity".
I'm as lively now as i was when i was 8 years old. just as sure of myself and just as light hearted.

Now i COULD try and document my entire Psychological Profile and details on this single page but in the words of Mr Spock that would be "highly illogical" so instead it's bullet point time...

I study Public Relations at Solent University in Southampton

I'm Extroverted...REAL Extroverted.

Some people think I'm slightly arrogant...but if you looked as good as i do you would be too...

I'm a Black Guy guy who's also a nerd...and also good at sports. Try wrapping your head around that concept >.<

A large parts of my existence (around 62%) revolves around Video games...I freekin love em.

It's My dream to have lived in Japan, even if it's only for a year.

I like girls...That is all.

I once tried falling off a bunk bed in slow motion...Gravity said no.

My dream job is to be a writer. Specifically a Story Writer for video games... Despite my punctuational errors and spelling 'faux pas'I like to think I'm pretty good.