29 August 2010

Game Trailers: The Good, The Bad, The weird (part 3)

Video Game trailers are the ‘shit!’ for us online content junkies. Id say most game enthusiasts make their decisions about what games to buy based on 4 factors.

1. Is this like anything I played before?
2. What do the reviewers say
3. How ‘cool’ does it look

Now the first two are pretty much dependant on the player and the reviewers respectively but as for the third, that’s where the developers and the marketers have to bust their asses.

Now over the past two days i'v looked at some of the Best and Worst trailers out there but today I take a look at some of the ‘weirdest’.
The ones that make you ask ‘WTF?’
See a weird trailer by definition makes you think about it, which is ultimately a good thing. So let’s take a peek at some of the strangest and most unconventional trailers around.

God Hand

This Game LIVES for what writers call ‘Big lipped alligator moments’ (BLAM for short) which are moments so random, so out of place that you cant help but laugh (think family guy humour).
This trailer works simply because you can’t help but love what you see, the random cartoon violence, the weird characters, It’s all just….well….BLAM.

Heavy Rain

On the completely different end of the spectrum this heavy rain trailer is more of a demonstration of its storytelling.
Using a fake audition as a backdrop, this trailer shows how the games writers are able to draw an emotional response out of the audience.
Voice actress Aurélie Bancilhon gives an excellent performance and helps demonstrate the tone of story telling the game is aiming for.
“Simply put, if you felt that scene you’ll feel our game.”


They don’t come much weirder than that ladies and gentlemen. This trailer is all about style over substance. Nothing is shown or expressed about ‘actual’ gameplay much like the heavy rain trailer, however, it’s surreal tone and dynamic art style are on full display. Again this trailers appeal is very much based on you opinion of its direction ‘If you like what you see, you’ll like this game’ add to that the old adage that ‘Sex sells’ and its no wonder that this game has already garnered some buzz despite the fact we know next to nothing about it.

(Then again with the Persona series on your track record we can always expect they’ll produce something special with a capital X)

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