26 August 2010

Unsung Heroes Of Video Games #3: Rival Schools (Gorin High)

Rival Schools is just one of those games that we 90’s gamers all just seem to remember.
We don’t know how, we don’t know why, all we know is that we do and that it was AWESOME!

1998’s “Rival Schools” for the Playstation One was a classic example of Capcom’s outlandish character design.
Based around a small network of Japanese high schools this pseudo-legendry Fighting game managed to grab the imaginations of gamers world wide.
However, unlike the Street Fighter, Mega Man and even Bionic Commando franchises, we’ve yet to see a revival and repackaging of Rival Schools. In fact the only character to even make an appearance outside of the two games is ‘Batsu’ (Capcom Vs Tatsunoko) .

But BATSU SUCKED! At least he wasn’t the coolest. The characters who really stood out were the Bad Boy athletes from Gorin High.
Soccer prodigy “Roberto Miura” (Left) and Baseball Star “Shoma Sawamura” (Right) are prehaps the amongst the most intresting charecters in Capcoms backbench.

Much like the other charecters on My list, these two could probably populate their own game.
A sports based fighter has always been intresting (See ‘Madden Kombat’) and it’d be kinda fun seeing just what these two get up to.
Regardless These guys are two people that are just TOO COOL to be left in the Video game history books which is why they earn a place on the list.

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