01 September 2010

Hey! Master Yoda? Quick question....

Hey yoda, can i talk to you for a minute? i was just doing a little thinking about the force and figured i'd ask you a few questions....

um, firstly, why do no jedi ever get married? I mean you say that forming emotional attachments with loved ones is wrong but.... surely the act of 'protecting the galaxy' is a loving act? you know...like we do it cause we care?
even if it's not, if love leads to the dark side then why do none of the sith have girlfriends? just strikes me as a little odd that's all, it's like the moment you pick up a light saber your ultimately trading in your penis...i mean i LOVE light sabers dont get me wrong but I've kinda grown attatched to the whole having a penis thing...

Ok another question um...seeing as love and i guess lust leads to the dark side, why then did you let Anakin, the young and clearly emotional jedi apprentice go to a highly romantic setting ALONE with the young and highly attractive senator amadlin just before the clone war? I mean anakin might be a jedi in training but he's also a teenager....a teenager with hormones...leaving him alone with a blatantly atttractive and powerfull woman just seems like trouble to me...he's also been known to act on emotion from time to time....oh and lets not forget he was prophesied to bring the destruction of the jedi...wouldn't it have been wiser to send a Non teenage human jedi along to protect her instead? how about the guy with tentacles on his head? or prehaps a female? I dunno just seems like an odd decision and one that a wise leader of an ancient order wouldn't make....its almost as though you just did it cause you read the script and realized Anakin somehow needs to fall in love with amadalin in order for the plot to continue...

Ok i'll leave you to your meditating now ...but uh...if anakin should just so happen to have sex with amadalin and get her pregnant and then attempt to keep the baby a secret while getting closer and closer to the chanceler who is actually a sith lord who uses anakins nightmares of amadalin dying to lure him over to the dark side until he eventualy crosses the moral event horizen by chopping off mace windu's hand and leading an assult against all the jedi in the galaxy Nazi germany style then uh...yeah, just remember who tried to warn you
you green bastard...*

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