20 March 2011

Sex sells-Nintendo just got the memo.

With the Nintendo 3DS set to be released worldwide this Friday. Nintendo fanboys across the world prepare to reach deep into their pockets to throw even more Pounds, Dollars, Yen, Rupees and Monopoly bucks at Mario and his beloved entourage of mascots once again.

Now I could sit here and go through the launch line up, or perhaps comment on the high price point (£230...ouch) or the revolutionary 3D technology itself, however there are plenty of other sites to hear about that stuff in detail.
No, what interests me is more the ridiculous promotional campaign that took place in aid of Nintendo’s new wonder brick. Just take a look at this.

Now, I’m all for getting journalists excited about your product, but sending an entire harem of statuesque beauties to showcase your latest product seems a little...off.
Not that I have ever been opposed to the shameless objectifying of women in the past , however, seeing it done on the corporate level does bring up some interesting questions. Is this kind of P.R acceptable? I mean even if we over look the whole shameless objectification angle. Is pandering to whims of the press in such a low brow manner really necessary. I mean, I am blogging about it now so perhaps Ninendo’s tactic worked!

Regardless, the next few months are going to be a BIG deal for Nintendo, let’s see if they can keep up their seemingly unstoppable marketing momentum
P.S (Super Street fighter 4 on the 3DS= Awesome...this is not opinion, this is FACT).