20 June 2010

Unsung Heroes of Video games #1: Skullomania!

I'm not sure if 'video gamey' is an official phrase, but if it is then no one deserves to be called it more than Mr Skullomania.
First appearing in Akira's spin off from the street fighter series 'Street fighter EX', Skullomania is one of many mad-cap, larger than life bad asses that have sprung up under the street fighter banner.

This Japanese salesman, turned crime fighting vigilante is as awesome as any main character you could find in the games industry today. His entire demeanour screams 'heroic psychopath' and his ridiculous skin tight skeleton outfit just adds to the appeal.

If Skullomania had his own video game it would undoubtedly be as crazy as the likes of "viewtifull joe" and the lesser known 'God Hand'. Much like batman Skullomania doesn't need super powers to be a super hero, however, unlike batman it's his LACK of intelligence that seems to give him power. Running head first into Akuma (literally), diving through the air Vega or sliding across the floor into the shins of Ryu, to declare his combat style as 'unorthodox' would be a gross understatement.

Skullomania Earns his place amongst the unsung heroes for he's undeniable charm, he might not have trained under any waterfalls or studied an ancient martial art...but no amount of 'wax on-wax-off' can protect you from a psychopath in a Carnival suit.

Skullomania, we salute you